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Analgesic mesotherapy is an effective outpatient treatment for musculoskeletal pain. It consists of multiple subcutaneous injections of drugs directly into areas of the body affected by pain and restricted movement. Mesotherapy is particularly indicated for the treatment of inflammatory or arthrosico-degenerative muscle contractures, such as cervicalgia, lumbago and muscle-tensive headaches. It is also used to treat tendinopathies, contusion-distortion injuries and other conditions. The benefits of mesotherapy are many, including the possibility of using a small amount of medication directly on the painful part of the body, avoiding systemic medication. In addition, mesotherapy can be combined with other instrumental analgesic therapies, such as laser therapy and hyperthermia, or with physiotherapy treatments, in order to reduce pain and accelerate functional recovery.

The mesotherapy treatment is performed by the doctor on an outpatient basis and lasts about 10 minutes. Multiple injections are made with a short, thin needle (4-6 mm) into the superficial layer of the skin of small amounts of pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory drugs. The treatment is usually weekly, with the number of sessions varying from 4 to 6 per cycle. The frequency and duration of treatment depend on the pathology, the patient's clinical response and the stage of the pathology itself, which may be acute or chronic.

Mesotherapy is a treatment that is also useful as an anti-cellulite treatment through which both skin and subcutaneous liquids are removed and thus water retention. It therefore detoxifies the body from excess waste, tones the skin and eliminates excess fluid. It is a safe and non-invasive treatment, allowing patients to carry out normal daily activities both before and after the treatment. If you are looking for an effective treatment for musculoskeletal pain, antalgic mesotherapy may be the right solution for you.

Mesorelle® mesotherapy needles
Mesorelle® mesotherapy needles
Mesorelle® mesotherapy needles
Price €17.50
Mesorelle® 5-outlet circular multinjectors with needles
Mesorelle® Circular multiinjectors with needles
Pack of 25 pieces.
Price €71.00
Mesorelle® Linear multiinjectors with needles
Mesorelle® Linear multiinjectors with needles
Pack of 25 pieces Available with 3 and 5 outlets
Price €70.00